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Sunglasses Elegance

CHF 37.05

Delivery time: 3-5 working days

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The sunglasses ELEGANCE is not only noble but also absolutely stylish! Metal sunglasses fit always and everywhere to any outfit! Make your style perfect.

High quality sun protection lenses with stylish frame
– 100% UV protection up to 400 nanometers
– Polycarbonate lens with protection factor Cat. 3 for optimal sun protection and clear vision

– Lightweight and high quality metal frame
– Soft temple tips for optimal fit and pressure-free fit
– Perfect hold thanks to soft, non-slip nose pads
– With glasses pouch
– Inner temple distance: 13.7 cm
– Tinted polycarbonate lenses
– complies with European standard EN 12312 (certifies sunglasses lenses that meet the requirements for safety of sun protection for everyday use)

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black, brown


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Icons De


Grossartige Brillen zu kleinen Preisen. Wir legen Wert auf gute Qualität und Berücksichtigung der Gesundheitsnormen.


Schweizweiter Versand und innert 3-5 Werktage bei dir Zuhause. Ab einem Warenwert von CHF 30.- sogar versandkostenfrei.


Unkompliziert und fair. Als Zahlungsmittel akzeptieren wir Rechnung, Kreditkarte, Postfinance, Twint und Paypal.


Kundenzufriedenheit liegt uns am Herzen. Wenn du nicht überzeugt bist, kannst du dein Modell innert 10 Tagen retournieren.

Icons En


Great glasses for small prices. We put a lot of emphasis on good quality and consideration of health standards.


Switzerland-wide shipping and within 3-5 business days at your home. From a value of CHF 30.- even free shipping.


Uncomplicated and fair. We accept payment by invoice, credit card, Postfinance, Twint and Paypal.


Customer satisfaction is very important to us. If you are not convinced, you can return your model within 10 days.

Icons Fr


De superbes lunettes à petits prix. Nous mettons beaucoup l'accent sur la qualité et la prise en compte des normes sanitaires.


Livraison dans toute la Suisse et dans un délai de 3 à 5 jours ouvrables à votre domicile. A partir d'une valeur de CHF 30.-, même la livraison est gratuite.


Simple et équitable. Nous acceptons les paiements par facture, carte de crédit, Postfinance, Twint et Paypal.


La satisfaction des clients est très importante pour nous. Si tu n'es pas convaincu, tu peux renvoyer ton modèle dans les 10 jours.

Icons It


Ottimi bicchieri a piccoli prezzi. Poniamo molta enfasi sulla buona qualità e sulla considerazione degli standard sanitari.


Spedizione in tutta la Svizzera ed entro 3-5 giorni lavorativi a casa vostra. A partire da un valore di CHF 30.- anche la spedizione gratuita.


Semplice ed equo. Accettiamo pagamenti con fattura, carta di credito, Postfinance, Twint e Paypal.


La soddisfazione del cliente è molto importante per noi. Se non ne siete convinti, potete restituire il vostro modello entro 10 giorni.